1.) Smith, Erik, and Sheridan, S. C. (2020). “Where do Cold Air Outbreaks occur and how have they changed?” Geophysical Research Letters:
2.) Smith, Erik, Obarein, O., Sheridan, S. C., & Lee, C. C. (2020). “A new method to assess trends in atmospheric circulation patterns across North America.” International Journal of Climatology.
3.) Lee, C. C., Adams, R., Smith, E. T., Obarein, O., Sheridan, S. C. (2020). “Examining trends in multiple parameters of seasonally-relative extreme temperature and dew point events across North America.” International Journal of Climatology: doi/abs/10.1002/joc.6852.
4.) Sheridan, S. C., Lee, C. C., & Smith, E. T. (2020). "A comparison between station observations and reanalysis data in the identification of extreme temperature events." Geophysical Research Letters:
5.) Adams, R., Lee, C. C., Smith, E. T., & Sheridan, S. C. (2020). “The relationship between atmospheric circulation patterns and extreme temperature events in North America.” International Journal of Climatology:
6.) Smith, Erik, Lee, C. C., Pirhalla, D., Ransibrahmanakul, V. Chuanmin, H., Barnes, B. B., & Sheridan, S. C. (2019). “A synoptic climatological analysis of the atmospheric drivers of water clarity variability in the Great Lakes.” Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology:
7.) Sheridan, S. C., Lee, C. C., Adams, R., Smith, E. T., Pirhalla, D., & Ransibrahmanakul, V. (2019). “Temporal modeling of anomalous coastal sea‐level values using synoptic climatological patterns.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans.:
8.) Smith, Erik, and Sheridan, S. C. (2019). “The Influence of Extreme Cold Events on Mortality in the United States.” Science of the Total Environment:
9.) Lee, C. C., Barnes, B. B., Sheridan, S. C., Smith, E. T., Chuanmin, H. Pirhalla, D., Ransibrahmanakul, V., Adams, R. (2019). “Using Machine Learning to Model and Predict Water Clarity in the Great Lakes.” Journal of Great Lakes Research:
10.) Smith, Erik, and Sheridan, S. C. (2018). “The Influence of Atmospheric Circulation Patterns on Cold Air Outbreaks in the Eastern United States.” International Journal of Climatology:
11.) Smith, Erik, and Sheridan, S. C. (2018). “The Characteristics of Extreme Cold Events and Cold Air Outbreaks in the Eastern United States.” International Journal of Climatology:
12.) Smith, Erik, and Sheridan, S. C. (2020). “ The Relationship Between Teleconnections and Cold Air Outbreaks” International Journal of Climatology.
13.) Smith, Erik, and Sheridan, S. C. (2020). “Projections of Cold Air Outbreaks from Shared Socioeconomic Pathways in CMIP6 Earth System Models” Geophysical Research Letters.
14.) Smith, Erik, and Cromley, G. (2020). “The Role of Weather on Airborne Parachute Operations during the French Indochina War.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers.